20,000+ Voices Strong: Justice for Biddy Porter Advances to NSW Parliament Debate

When Rebekah Porter, mother of 10-year-old Bridgette “Biddy” Porter initiated the campaign seeking justice for her precious little girl, she could not have imagined how deeply Biddy’s tragic story would touch the hearts of so many, with media and the community throwing their full support behind the #Justice4BiddyPorter campaign. After four agonising years since Biddy’s brutal killing at the hands of a young person she trusted, today, less than two months after Advocacy Australia launched the Justice for Biddy Porter campaign, the NSW Parliament e-petition has achieved the minimum 20,000 signatures required for Independent MP for Orange, Philip Donato, to…

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Urgent calls for Inquiries into DPP, Mental Health Review Tribunal & DCJ Victims’ Services

On the fourth anniversary of the brutal killing of 10-year-old Bridgette “Biddy” Porter by a teenage girl known to her; Biddy’s parents, Rebekah and Dominic are fighting for justice for their precious little girl who, until now, has been made invisible by a system her parents say is focussed on protecting their daughter’s killer, rather than meeting community expectations and achieving justice for their daughter and her loved ones.

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