Advocacy Australia promotes, supports and defends the rights of individuals, children and families who are victims of human rights abuse, serious crimes and international child abduction.
- We advocate for an individual’s right to health, safety, family and justice.
- We empower the helpless by giving them a voice in pursuit of social justice and redress.
- We minimise harm to the vulnerable and advance the health, safety and wellbeing of Australians by raising awareness of serious health issues to prevent physical, mental and emotional harm.
- We research and monitor human rights issues that impact individuals, children and families.
- We partner with organisations that share our mission and vision.
- We provide advice to governments and others on human rights issues and promote government accountability for human rights issues.
- We advance public knowledge of human rights in the areas of social justice, welfare and rights; and we seek to promote and oppose change to further human rights in Australia.

Public Benevolence
Advocacy Australia’s main purpose is to provide direct benevolent relief to people in need specifically for those whose rights have been abused or threatened; victims of serious crimes and their families who have been affected by horrific circumstances such as murder, suspicious disappearance and abduction; and, victims of international child abduction.
We relieve their suffering through the provision of advocacy and support specific to their individual circumstances and needs in the promotion and protection of their human rights.
By giving victims of human rights abuse, serious crimes and international child abduction a voice, we empower them to take control of their circumstances and provide support that meets their needs.
Advocacy Australia’s support for these victims of human rights abuse includes:
- Providing advocacy, advice and referrals;
- Conducting campaigns and activities including events around relevant dates such as National Missing Person’s Week, anniversaries and other significant dates;
- Increasing public awareness of their suffering and the need to resolve it through advocacy, media, marketing, advertising, community engagement, forums events and stakeholder engagement with MPs, the community and specific targeted groups to actively increase reports to police to help solve serious crimes and deliver justice in ways that help resolve the suffering of victims and their families;
- Lobbying to increase rewards and investigative resources to assist in achieving an outcome to resolve their suffering; and,
- Shining a spotlight on their individual circumstances in ways that empower them to no-longer be victims; but, actively contribute to intervention and resolutions that alleviate their misfortune and suffering.

Social Justice
Every Australian has the right to the highest attainable standards of physical, emotional and mental health including to live and work in safe, healthy environments; the right to education; the right to life, liberty and security; to be treated humanely and with dignity; the right to freedom of thought, freedom of expression; the right to take part in the conduct of public affairs; to have equal access to public service; to have equal protection under the law; and, for victims of human rights abuse, the right to redress.
Advocacy Australia aims to advance social justice by increasing awareness of issues that impact the human rights of Australians. We promote and defend the human rights of individuals, children and families through public debate and where necessary, we advocate for changes in law, policy and practice to address the fundamental rights of individuals experiencing suffering and distress due to misfortune and helplessness brought about by a lack of access, equity, rights or participation.
Advocacy Australia provides direct relief of suffering, distress, misfortune and helplessness by giving voice to those whose human rights have been or are being abused or threatened.
To achieve social justice for those suffering emotional abuse, distress and helplessness as a result of removal of their rights; we advocate for individuals, children and families and provide direct assistance in the form of specialised communication support including developing inspiring communication campaigns that arouse community compassion to the plight of victims of human rights abuse within Australia.
See Help Bring My Children Home Campaign for more information.

Victims of serious crimes
Advocacy Australia aims to promote and defend the rights of victims of serious crimes and their families who have been affected by horrific circumstances such as murder, suspicious disappearance and abduction and have the right to redress, protection and to be treated with respect and understanding.
For victims of serious crimes and their families suffering distress and helplessness who are in need of direct support, we advocate to uphold and/or reinstate their rights and provide advice. We provide direct communication services to empower them to fight for justice and/or redress for themselves and/or a loved one; and, we assist them in lobbying government representatives and departments to offer rewards and increase investigative resources. We also provide information resources and referrals enabling them to navigate the legal process; understand their rights; provide advice and support in developing missing person’s resources and collateral; and, facilitate campaigns to support police investigations by calling for information and reports to Crime Stoppers.
Advocacy Australia also provides support in managing media engagement for victims of serious crimes and their families to reduce distress and suffering during the investigation, the legal process and where applicable, throughout coronial inquests.
See Supporting Victims of Crime for more information.

Harm Prevention
We promote harm prevention and control of emotional abuse by fostering social justice for individuals, children and families who have suffered as a result of human rights abuse, having been a victim of serious crime and international child abduction.
70% of children subject to parental abduction suffer significant emotional and mental health effects. As part of our welfare and human rights harm prevention activities, Advocacy Australia aims to offer intervention resources to those parents considering absconding with their children so they may consider alternate options to help resolve issues and prevent the harm caused to their children’s mental health and the mental health of the parent and family left behind when Australian born children are the subject of international child abduction.
Advocacy Australia relieves the suffering, distress and helplessness of victims of international child abduction through advocacy and providing emotional and mental health support services including through support groups. We provided advice to improve understanding of their rights and communication services to empower victims to fight for justice for their family; and, we lobby government representatives and departments to enforce the Hague Convention for Australian-born children.

Advocacy Australia addresses health-related issues to further the right of all Australians (including children and vulnerable adults) to enjoy the highest standard of physical and mental health. We address health and safety issues for families, children and workers at home, in the workplace and across the community through conducting national, state and localised public health awareness and education campaigns including raising awareness of preventable diseases such as those caused from exposure to asbestos fibres and by promoting best practice in occupational settings to improve health and safety in workplace environments.

Asbestos Awareness
Australia was among the highest consumers of asbestos globally and has one of the highest incidences of mesothelioma in the world with a steady increase in recorded cases over the past 40 years. With a staggering 4000 deaths each year from asbestos-related diseases including asbestosis and lung cancer, and an alarming number of deaths from mesothelioma attributed to both occupational and non-occupational avoidable exposure to asbestos fibres; to save lives, Advocacy Australia conducts the annual national Asbestos Awareness Month campaign during November to increase awareness of the dangers of asbestos and to educate the wider community on how to manage asbestos-containing materials safely.
See Asbestos Awareness Campaign for more information.

Advancing Human Rights
Advocacy Australia promotes respect for and observance of human rights and freedoms within Australia. We conduct research and strive for the promotion and observance of human rights recognised in the International covenants of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Civil and Political Rights, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child under the Australian Human Rights Parliamentary Scrutiny Act 2011.
Advocacy Australia provides support to individuals, children and families in need of direct relief of suffering, distress, misfortune and helplessness in the form of advocacy to uphold the human rights of those suffering.
We are committed to collaborating with Australian and international experts and entities to advance public education of human rights issues including the right to social justice, access, equity, equality, and health and welfare that impact the individual victims of human rights abuse.
We monitor abuses of human rights; provide advice to governments and others on human rights issues; and, advocate for the right to health, safety, family and justice. To further the human rights of Australians; we promote positive change and oppose change that may risk diminishing human rights and advocate for redress and relief for victims of human rights abuse. With the aim of ensuring equal access to economic, social, cultural and civil rights without discrimination of any kind as to age, race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status; we develop strategies and resources to assist Australian individuals, children and families who are victims of human rights abuse.

Advancing community education is a fundamental activity toward advancing human rights for all Australians. In advocating to improve the physical, emotional and mental health and welfare of victims of human rights abuse, we conduct strategic public awareness and education campaigns for those whose rights have been threatened or abused. We conduct research and where necessary, advocate for changes in law, policy and practice to advance human rights in Australia.
Through advocating for the rights of individuals, children and families and by raising awareness of their plight, Advocacy Australia advances public education on human rights issues, nationally.
Visit Betty The Asbestos Education House for more information.