Advocacy Australia aims to promote and defend the rights of victims of serious crimes and their families who have been affected by horrific circumstances such as murder, suspicious disappearance and abduction and have the right to redress, protection and to be treated with respect and understanding.
For victims of serious crimes and their families suffering distress and helplessness who are in need of direct support, we advocate to uphold and/or reinstate their rights and provide advice. We provide direct communication services to empower them to fight for justice and/or redress for themselves and/or a loved one; and, we assist them in lobbying government representatives and departments to offer rewards and increase investigative resources. We also provide information resources and referrals enabling them to navigate the legal process; understand their rights; provide advice and support in developing missing person’s resources and collateral; and, facilitate campaigns to support police investigations by calling for information and reports to Crime Stoppers.
Advocacy Australia also provides support in managing media engagement for victims of serious crimes and their families to reduce distress and suffering during the investigation, the legal process and where applicable, throughout coronial inquests.
For more information see Supporting Victims of Crime.