Support #Justice4BiddyPorter

How you can help:

The official #Justice4BiddyPorter campaign is supported by Advocacy Australia and Philip Donato MP, Independent Member for Orange in the Parliament of New South Wales.

While only NSW residents can directly petition the NSW Government due to residency requirements, there are various ways for individuals living outside NSW to contribute and support #Justice4BiddyPorter.


  1. Sign our e-Petition calling for a parliamentary inquiry:
  2. Like, Follow & Share our socials (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X/Twitter) promoting the #Justice4BiddyPorter Petition to your networks.
  3. Text & Email the Justice for Biddy Porter petition to NSW family, friends and colleagues and ask them to sign it: Example below:
    • I’ve watched Michael Usher’s Spotlight story ‘Justice For Biddy’ and it has touched me deeply. I am messaging my friends, family and colleagues in NSW to ask for your support to sign a petition. With your help, we can make Biddy’s legacy not about how she died, but how she changed a broken system that protects killers and fails victims of serious crimes like the Porter’s. Sign now at or for more information and to watch the Spotlight story visit 
  4. Download the official #Justice4BiddyPorter campaign assets including posters and social media graphics and share the link to the petition across all social media channels inviting family, friends and colleagues from NSW to sign the petition.
  5. Donate: Make a tax-deductible donation to support Advocacy Australia’s #Justice4BiddyPorter campaign. Donate here.
  6. Contact MPs and ask them to support  #Justice4BiddyPorter
  7. For more details about our campaign visit our #Justice4BiddyPorter page
  8. Live outside NSW Add your voice to the #Justice4Biddy Porter Campaign below.

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