
Click Here To Sign Our NSW GOVT Petition #Justice4BiddyPorter

For non-NSW supporters click here

At around 6:30am one winters morning in 2020, 10-year-old Bridgette “Biddy” Porter was brutally killed by a teenage girl known to her. So vicious and so heinous was her killing, that the Supreme Court of NSW ordered the details of Biddy’s injuries be suppressed for twenty (20) years.

Now, four years after Biddy’s tragic death her parents, Rebekah and Dominic are fighting for justice for their precious little girl who, until now, has been made invisible by a system her parents say is focused on protecting their daughter’s killer, rather than meeting community expectations and achieving justice for their little girl and her loved ones.

In their fight for justice for Biddy, her parents are calling for Parliamentary Inquiries into the NSW Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT).

In the state of New South Wales, no public servant or service should be above public scrutiny and accountability. These Inquiries will investigate the DPP’s handling of Biddy’s case, its accountability under the Charter of Victims Rights, the Victims Rights and Support Act 2013, and the ODPP (NSW) Prosecution Guidelines; and, the MHRT’s lack of transparency and accountability having absolute, independent power to release killers back into the community with victims’ families and the community powerless to object.

While the DPP and the MHRT are empowered to avoid public scrutiny and accountability, victims of serious crimes like Biddy continue to be silenced with justice denied them. And although Biddy’s parents know their campaign can never bring their precious little girl back, through Parliamentary Inquires into the DPP and the MHRT, essential reforms to Victims Services and a Coronial Inquest into Biddy’s brutal death; Rebekah and Dominic hope to help other victims of serious crimes and prevent similar attacks and killings by minors such as those that have occurred in recent months.

With the support of Philip Donato MP and Advocacy Australia, Rebekah and Dominic are asking for the community’s support. Please sign and share their petition today so together we can achieve #Justice4BiddyPorter.


CLICK to sign the petition #Justice4BiddyPorter with the NSW LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

NOTE: If you are having difficulties signing the Justice for Biddy Porter petition on the NSW Legislative Assembly website please contact Table.LA@parliament.nsw.gov.au

Victims of crime who’ve had similar experiences in their dealings with the NSW DPP, the Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT) or Victims Services are invited to contact Advocacy Australia by completing this form.

For media inquiries, contact media[AT]advocacyaustralia[dot]org[dot]au

PLEASE NOTE: Advocacy Australia has the full consent of Bridgette “Biddy” Porter’s senior available next of kin – Rebekah Porter (mother) and Dominic Porter (father), to publish information about Biddy and her image under section 15E of the Children’s (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 (NSW) – 15E Exception where child deceased (1) This Division does not prohibit the publication or broadcasting of the name of a deceased child with the consent of a senior available next of kin of the child.