Advocacy Australia promotes respect for and observance of human rights and freedoms within Australia. We conduct research and strive for the promotion and observance of human rights recognised in the International covenants of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Civil and Political Rights, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child under the Australian Human Rights Parliamentary Scrutiny Act 2011.
Advocacy Australia provides support to individuals, children and families in need of direct relief of suffering, distress, misfortune and helplessness in the form of advocacy to uphold the human rights of those suffering.
We are committed to collaborating with Australian and international experts and entities to advance public education of human rights issues including the right to social justice, access, equity, equality, and health and welfare that impact the individual victims of human rights abuse.
We monitor abuses of human rights; provide advice to governments and others on human rights issues; and, advocate for the right to health, safety, family and justice. To further the human rights of Australians; we promote positive change and oppose change that may risk diminishing human rights and advocate for redress and relief for victims of human rights abuse. With the aim of ensuring equal access to economic, social, cultural and civil rights without discrimination of any kind as to age, race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status; we develop strategies and resources to assist Australian individuals, children and families who are victims of human rights abuse.